Sunday, July 19, 2009

Finding Good Life Insurance

I think we've all seen enough tragic movies to know the importance of making sure our loved ones are taken care of when we move on. Right? What happens to them if you are suddenly taken from this world when you're young and are the only income in your household?

That's the case with a number of homes even today. Sure, gone is the "rule" that the man works and the woman stays at home. We live in a wonderful country where equality is actually approaching the point of deserving the root word of "equal". So, having said that, there are millions of homes in which either only the wife is working or only the husband is working. Many are bringing in great salaries, and the other spouse gets to stay at home. Fantastic. But what happens if the working woman passes away?

We just can't leave our spouses and children with nothing but our savings. Please make it a point to sign up for that life insurance policy as soon as you start a new job. Maybe it's not the best one, sure. So sign up and then start shopping around. Speaking from experience, it's a great feeling knowing that should my fragile life be taken at any given moment, my daughter will not have to get a job at fifteen years old, you know?

It's our responsibility as parents to provide a future for our kids. We all know that. But if we're not here, what can we do? We can get a good life insurance policy and arrange placement of our children and get it in writing.

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