Sunday, August 2, 2009

Prospecting Success and Life Insurance Leads

Start here if you want more qualified life insurance leads and better prospecting results.
If you want to generate life insurance leads and have better success prospecting for insurance and financial plans, the the learning cycle can be significant, however there are number of steps that can reduce that learning curve.
It takes a very disciplined and hard working person to endure the life insurance sales job. There are many set backs and rejections, but those with the right attitude will attain great financial rewards.
Success in life insurance lead generation and improving your prospecting results requires constant promotion. You can use the old form of direct mail to bring leads into your business. Ensure that the envelope does not look like junk mail. Labels, and bulk mailings are easy to identify as 'junk' and therefore they get thrown out.

Your sales letter should persuade your prospect to either call or ask for more information.
Also, do not bore your prospect with how wonderful your company is. Always write assuming your prospect is thinking, 'What's In It For Me?"

Teleseminars are also a great prospecting and lead generation tool. Teleseminars are very cheap to operate and you can have hundreds of potential clients on the line at one time. Provide some good valuable information and then end with your sales pitch. The goal of the teleseminar is to get prospects to either buy from you or sign up to your mailing list.

Having a website is critical for success when prospecting for life insurance and generating qualified life insurance leads. You need to set up a lead capture form on your website to collect the email address of your prospects. Offer them something of value in return for their email.
Also, once you have their email address, start to send regular follow up emails. But do not use sales messages. Send quality information they can use. This establishes trust, credibility, and positions you as an expert.

A good rule of thumb is to send seven quality emails before asking for an appointment or a sale. For this reason, it's a good idea to have an auto responder series set up so you don't have to do it manually.

Write articles and post them on article directories is a little known lead generation tip. Many website owners will display the article on their website free of charge. This is free advertising for you. Ask local websites to post your articles, or test advertising on these sights.

Create articles and post them to article directories. This well get links into your sight and it will rank your site higher on the search engines. Ensure that the resource box contains the address to your sign up page, so you can capture the email address and follow up with life insurance and financial planning prospects.

Use a referral generation form on your website also. If someone goes to your website, the lead capture form allows them to enter their name and email address as well as the people they know. Again, this is a free form of prospecting but very effective. It's possible to double your life insurance and financial planning leads using this tip.

Create joint venture deals with other people in your industry. Ask them to promote your products and services to their customer list. This can bring you instant sales and create a huge mailing list that can be used for years to come.

Regardless of your current experience in the life insurance industry, the life insurance prospecting ideas above will give you an advantage over your competition and allow you to generate more leads and close more sales.

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